The research team led by Dr. Shoukat Dedhar, a distinguished scientist at BC Cancer Agency and a Pancreas Centre BC 2013 IDEAS grant recipient, was awarded a Canadian Cancer Society Impact Grant for the project entitled ‘New therapeutic strategy targeting tumour hypoxia and carbonic anhydrase IX for the treatment of pancreatic cancer’. This grant program is designed to accelerate and focus the knowledge gained from scientific findings into outcomes that will significantly advance understanding of cancer and improve scientific knowledge, which will result in optimized patient care, improved cancer treatment or reduced cancer burden.
Dr. Dan Renouf, medical oncologist at BC Cancer Agency and co-director of Pancreas Centre BC, is the co-investigator on the project. The grant is valued at $1.25M over 5 years and will include translational studies and a clinical trial of a CAIX inhibitor in pancreatic cancer.
For further information, click here.